An arbitrary texture.

Key dates:

Effective since June 2022

Applies to:

All companies that import into the United States.

What it says:

US Law prohibiting the importation of goods manufactured wholly or in part with forced labour in the People’s Republic of China, especially from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang). The UFLPA relies on a core operating presumption (“the rebuttable presumption”) that goods mined, produced, or manufactured wholly or in part in Xinjiang or in connection with an entity on the UFLPA Entity List were made with forced labour and as such are prohibited from importation into the US.


CBP will detain imported goods based on the determination that the UFLPA rebuttable presumption applies to the products’ supply chain. The importer may re-export the detained goods away from the US, allow CBP to destroy the detained goods, or challenge the UFLPA detention by either rebutting the forced labour presumption or successfully arguing that the UFLPA does not apply to the products’ supply chain. If the challenge is successful, the goods will be released into US commerce.

Key Requirements:

GHG Emissions Tracking Supply Chain Mapping Third Party Assurance Adverse Media Reporting Xinjiang/WRO Mapping External Reporting Supplier/Risk Monitoring Supplier Engagement Remediation Plan Product Mapping ESG Risk Analysis Supplier Assessments Supplier Training Supplier Corrective Action Plan